April 2020
November 2019
Elm və İnnovativ Texnologiyalar Jurnalı DOI: 10.30546/2616-4418.11.2019.54 Nömrə 11, 2019. 54- 63
Johannes SEMBIRING Insitut Kesehatan Deli Husada, Sumatera Utara, Indonesia
Saiful BATUBARA Islamic University of Sumatera Utara Medan, Indonesia
Selamat GINTING Insitut Kesehatan Deli Husada, Sumatera Utara, Indonesia
Leadership and management styles in health education at university level needs a holistic study to recommed better procedures the teaching process and learning strategies. In the framework of achieving the competency standards of medical doctor graduates in Indonesia, it notes that Indonesian Medicine Council (KKI) has issued the Indonesian Doctor Professional Education Standard (SPPDI). That SPDDI becomes the reference for each institution to develop its curriculum and determine the most suitable learning method for the achievement of competence according to new paradigm of physician education globally known as SPICES paradigm (Student Centered, Problem Based Learning, Integrated, Community Oriented and Systematic) developed by Hardem and widely used in doctoral education since the 1980s (Konsil Kedokteran Indonesia, 2012).
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April 2019
Selamat Ginting1, Adi Arianto2 Institut Kesehatan Deli Husada Deli Tua, JL. Besar Deli Tua, No, 77 Kecamatan Deli Tua Email : selamatginting18@gmail.com
Health is a prosperous state of the body, soul, and social which is very possible for every individual to live productively in a social and economi c way. Tests of research are to identify the relationship between the quality of health services to the level of satisfaction of BPJS Mandiri in Public Health Center Deli Tua Kab Deli Serdang. The research method uses an analytical survey type with a sampl e of 95 people. The results of the study are t h a t t h e r e is a sig nific a n t r ela tio n s hip b e t w e e n T a n gible , r elia bilit y , r e s p o n siv e n e s s , assurance, empathy for the satisfaction of BPJS Mandiri in Public Health Center Deli Tua K a b D eli S e r d a n g wit p – value(0.00 ) . T h e c o n clu sio n in t his s t u d y is t h a t t h e m o s t dominant factors affecting patient satisfaction are direct evidence of this indicated by the highest Exp (B) of 6,374
Keywords : quality of health services, satisfaction patient’s, BPJS ,
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April 2021
International Academic Journal of Advanced Practices in Nursing ISSN Print : 2709-3271 | ISSN Online : 2709-3263 Frequency : Bi-Monthly Language : English Origin : Kenya Website : https://www.iarconsortium.org/journal-info/iajapn
Effect of Ramadan Fasting on Body Mass Index of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Patients
Johannes Sembiring1,
Julahir Hodmatua Siregar2,
Selamat Ginting1
Saiful Batubara2
It notes that some religion rituals may heal the Diabetes Mellitus patients. This research was carried out to seek the effect of Ramadan fasting Muslim Ummah (community). It observed the patients those are suffering from chronic diseases such as Diabetes Mellitus (DM). In fasting patients did not eat and drink during 13.5- 14 hours. At the time of fasting that there will be changes such as: activity, diet, hours of work, activities at night as tarawih (night prayer) and tadarusan (Holy Quran Recital). To determine the effect of Ramadan fasting on body mass index in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus, a prospective longitudinal study of the fasting month of Ramadan until the end of the fasting Ramdhan was done. It took 19 patients who had been diagnosed with type 2 diabetes at Adam Malik Hospital. The data collected by taking blood samples at the beginning and end of the fasting of Ramadan fasting. Data were analyzed using paired T- test,wilcoxon. From 19 patients with type 2 diabetes, as many as 13 respondents (68.4%) male sex with a mean age of 57.26 years. Statistical tests performed showed me significant value in BMI (p <0.05), Waist Circumference (p <0.05). There are significant value of BMI, Waist Circumference and blood fasting glucosa in patients with type 2 diabetes before and after Ramadan fasting
Keywords: Blood Sugar level; Ramadhan fasting;diabetes; BMI
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Maret 2021
ISSN Online: 2708-3594 Frequency: Monthly Language: English Origin : Kenya Website : https://www.iarconsortium.org/journal-info/iarjms
Managing the Participation Higher Education in Covid-19 Prevention
Johannes Sembiring,
Selamat Ginting,
Peny Ariani
Putri Ayu Y Ariescha Authors
Affiliations : Insitut Kesehatan Deli Husada, Deli Tua of Indonesia
The outbreak of Corona Virus -2019 has taken the involvement of stakeholders in public health sector. It takes a well prepared management for the participation of Higher Education in socializing the protection of individuals in community. An application of the descriptive analysis procedure was made to collect the right way to handle the Community Service of Health Education participation to help society and local government to socialize, to keep the health protocols for Covid-19. Data obtained shows that the during Covid-19, Community Service Programs have made a special orientation which focused on handling Covid 19 pandemic outbreak. They have the directly educating public, creation of the media solicits, and medical devices distribution for prevention. It concludes that the Tertiary Education Institutions have provided the concept of handling the Covid-19 pandemic in the community and they offered integrated and sustainable models.
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IAR Journal of Medical Sciences ISSN Online: 2708-3594 Frequency: Monthly Language: English Origin : Kenya Website : https://www.iarconsortium.org/journal-info/iarjms
Affecting Factors of the Utilization of Early Detection Examination of Cervical Cancer with the Visual Inspection Method of Acetic Acid
Megawati Sinambela,
Selamat Ginting
Grace Masria Sitompul
Cancer is a big health problem as it is responsible for the high mortality in various countries in the world including Indonesia (Hardiyanti et al., 2020). Incidence and of cervical cancer in Indonesia which reminded high in last 27 years indicates the program of prevention need to be strengthened, especially for prevention through vaccination and early detection. The program of screening on this cancer should be expanded and reach all target (Arimurti and Nurmala, 2017). Worldwide, cervical cancer is one of the leading causes of death from cancer in women; most deaths occur in low to middle income countries (RCN guidance, 2020). Thus a cervical cancer of the Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) virus tends to increase in the worldwide. Human papillomavirus (HPV) infection, one of the most common sexually transmitted diseases is associated with cancers such as cervical cancer (Cheng et al., 2020). Data shows around 10 million new cases per year and amounting to 15 million cases in 2020. It noted that the incidence of cervical cancer in Indonesia reaches 13% with a mortality of 10.3%; but the world is higher, that is 19.3% with a death rate of 17% (Globocan, 2014). Thus, GLOBOCAN and International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) show that in 2014 the incidence of cervical cancer worldwide was 16 per 100,000 populations. In 2018 the prevalence of cervical cancer in Indonesia was 198,692 cases, North Sumatra Province 6,217 cases, Lampung Province 765 cases, South Sumatra Province 1,500 cases.
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(Jurnal Kimia Valensi; Volume 7; Nomor 2; Halaman 168-177)
Application of Fourier Transform Infrared Spectrophotometry Method for Analysis of Metformin Hydrochloride in Marketed Tablet Dosage Form
Nerdy Nerdy
Linda Margata
Dian Ika Perbina Meliala
Bunga Mari Sembiring
Selamat Ginting
Effendy De Lux Putra
Atika Mulyati
Tedy Kurniawan Bakri4
The first line drug given for monotherapy for diabetes mellitus type 2 is metformin hydrochloride, which is a biguanide antihyperglycemic drug. The aim of this research was to develop, validate, and apply the Fourier Transform Infrared spectrophotometry method to identify and determine metformin hydrochloride in marketed tablet dosage form. This research included preparation of standard, analysis of samples, and validation of method. The specific wavenumber obtained for qualitative analysis was 1645.68 cm–1 and 1574.8 cm –1. The specific area obtained for quantitative analysis with a single baseline ranged from 1701.53 cm –1 to 1535.66 cm –1. All metformin hydrochloride marketed tablet dosage forms were analyzed and met all of the qualitative and quantitative requirements. The methods met the requirements of method validation for accuracy with a percentage of recovery of 100.22 %, precision with relative standard deviation of 0.48 %, linearity with a correlation coefficient of 0.9992, limit of detection of 11.17 mg per mL, limit of quantitation of 33.84 mg per mL, and good specificity results. In this study, the Fourier Transform Infrared spectrophotometry method was successfully developed and validated for application in identification and determination of metformin hydrochloride in marketed tablet dosage form.
Keywords: Metformin hydrochloride, infrared, spectrophotometry, qualitative, quantitative
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(Open Access Macedonian Journal of Medical Sciences; Volume 09; Nomor A; Halaman 407-412)
Brine Shrimp (Artemia salina Leach.) Lethality Test of Ethanolic Extract from Green Betel (Piper betle Linn.) and Red Betel (Piper crocatum Ruiz and Pav.) through the Soxhletation Method for Cytotoxicity Test
Nerdy Nerdy
Puji Lestari1
Jon Piter Sinaga
Selamat Ginting
Nilsya Febrika Zebua
Vriezka Mierza
Tedy Kurniawan Bakri
BACKGROUND: Traditional medicine is currently being explored and developed widely by various countries because its cost effectiveness and reduced side effects. The green betel (Piper betle Linn.) and the red betel (Piper crocatum Ruiz and Pav.) are plants from the same Piper genus that are widely cultivated in Indonesia and have various phytochemical properties and pharmacological effects.
AIM: The objective of this research is to determine the cytotoxicity of green leaves and red betel leaves.
METHODS: This research was conducted in two main stages: First, the extraction and preparation through the soxhletation method; and second, a cytotoxicity test through the brine shrimp (Artemia salina Leach) lethality test.
RESULTS: The results showed that there was lethal concentration 50% (LC50) value in both green betel leaves ethanolic extract and red betel leaves ethanolic extract, with 44.975 μg/mL and 31.556 μg/mL, respectively. The red betel leaves ethanolic extract has a higher cytotoxicity than green betel leaves ethanolic extract which can be seen from the lower LC50 value.
CONCLUSIONS: The difference in cytotoxicity is due to differences in plant varieties that cause variations in phytochemical content which affects the pharmacological effects. The green betel leaves ethanolic extract and the red betel leaves ethanolic extract are cytotoxic and have potential anticancer properties.
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(Jurnal Kedokteran Hewan; Volume 15; Nomor 1; Halaman 1-6)
Effect of Hesperetin Treatment on Blood Glucose Level, Spermatozoa Quality, and Spermatozoa Quantity in Alloxan-Induced Diabetic Mice
Nerdy Nerdy
Linta Meliala
Bunga Rimta Barus
Puji Lestari
Selamat Ginting
Peny Ariani
Male infertility has occurred rapidly in the last few decades, primarily in developing countries. An antioxidant, hesperetin is a flavonoid that is found in abundance in orange peels. The aims of this research were to determine the effect of hesperetin on blood sugar levels, spermatozoa quality, and spermatozoa quantity. The research structure included induction of diabetes mellitus and treatment for 8 weeks, followed by determination of blood sugar levels, spermatozoa quality, and spermatozoa quantity. Hesperetin has the ability to restore blood sugar levels, spermatozoa quantity, seminiferous tubules diameter, and testicular weight, volume, and germinal epithelial layer thickness with significant difference from the normal control group. Hesperetin did not fully restore spermatozoa motility, viability, and morphology with significant difference from the normal control group, nor from the positive control group. However, overall, hesperetin decreased blood glucose levels, increased spermatozoa quantity, and improved the spermatozoa quality in alloxan-induced diabetes mellitus mice. Dose-dependent activity was observed with the optimum dose at 200 mg/kg body weight.
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(Molecules; Volume 26; Nomor 22; Identitas 6985)
Validation of the Developed Zero-Order Infrared Spectrophotometry Method for Qualitative and Quantitative Analyses of Tranexamic Acid in Marketed Tablets
Nerdy Nerdy
Linda Margata
Bunga Mari Sembiring
Selamat Ginting
Effendy De Lux Putra
Tedy Kurniawan Bakri
(1) Background: The functional groups present in tranexamic acid allow direct infrared detection analysis. This study aimed to develop, apply, and validate an infrared spectrophotometry method used for qualitative and quantitative analyses of tranexamic acid in marketed tablets. (2) Methods: This was a descriptive observational study that consisted of several stages: determining the specific wavenumber for analysis, obtaining a simple linear regression equation, analyzing tranexamic acid both qualitatively and quantitatively, and validating the developed method for routine analysis. (3) Results: The peak analysis obtained a range of baseline wavenumbers from 1679.17 to 1295.25 cm−1. The regression equation obtained was Y = 310.8527 × X + 0.9718, and the coefficient of determination (R2) obtained was 0.9994. The tranexamic acids in marketed tablets overall have a similarity index value of more than 0.90 and overall have levels ranging between 97.0% and 103.0%. The infrared spectrophotometry method that was successfully developed, applied, and validated for qualitative and quantitative analyses of tranexamic acid in marketed tablets meets the requirements both qualitatively and quantitatively of the tablet monograph. (4) Conclusions: The infrared spectrophotometry method has been validated and meets the requirements for accuracy, precision, detection limit, quantitation limit, linearity, range, and specificity.
Keywords: validation; infrared spectrophotometry; qualitative; quantitative; tranexamic acid
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(Tropical Journal of Natural Product Research; Volume 05; Nomor 10; Halaman 1835-1840)
In Silico Evaluation of the Physicochemical, Pharmacokinetics, and Toxicity Profiles of Sesquiterpene Lactones of South African Leaf (Vernonia amygdalina Delile)
Nerdy Nerdy
Linda Margata
Linta Meliala
Jhan S. Purba
Bunga M. Sembiring
Selamat Ginting
Tedy K. Bakri
Cancer is a disease caused by malignant cell growth. Chemotherapeutic agents are still the primary option for cancer treatment. Various efforts to develop new treatment methods are needed for more effective cancer therapy. Cyclophosphamide is one of the essential agents used for treating cancers. The sesquiterpene lactone compounds in Vernonia amygdalina Delile, (South African leaf) contribute to its anticancer pharmacological effects in different cancers. This study aims to determine the pharmacokinetics and toxicity profiles of various sesquiterpene
lactone compounds in the South African leaf. This research was initiated by a search for the physicochemical properties and Canonical Simplified Molecular Input Line Entry System (SMILES) code of each compound with the assistance of PubChem, followed by computational processing with the aid of the pkCSM and ProTox-II tools. This study involves a comparative analysis of the compounds’ physicochemical properties, pharmacokinetics, toxicity profile and cyclophosphamide as the standard anticancer drug. The results showed that the physicochemical
properties of the sesquiterpene lactone compounds in Vernonia amygdalina leaf had met Lipinski’s rule of five conditions. The pharmacokinetics and toxicity profiles were similar or better than cyclophosphamide. Hydroxyvernolide has the best physicochemical, pharmacokinetics, and toxicity profile of the sesquiterpene lactones of the South African
Vernonia amygdalina and cyclophosphamide.
Keywords: Vernonia amygdalina Delile, Sesquiterpene lactone, In silico, Physicochemical,
Pharmacokinetics, Toxicity
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Safety And Health Management System Public Hospital
- Selamat Ginting
- Johannes Sembiring
- Ripai Siregar ,
- Ribka Flora Panjaitan
- Andri Lesmana
The research objective was to analyze the relationship of psychological behavior (knowledge and
attitudes), as well as those related to the application of implementation of the Hospital Occupational
Safety and Health Management System. An explanatory research approach was applied in Hospital of
Sembiring Deli Tua, Indonesia. The study showed that the implementation of implementation of the
Hospital Occupational Safety and Health Management System (HOSHMS) reached its effectivness was
47, 5%. It concludes that the application of implementation of the Hospital Occupational Safety and
Health Management System (HOSHMS). The knowledge is the most dominant variable with a
coefficient of 0.013 with Exp (B) 4,051 95% CI (1,348-12,175).
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Selamat Ginting, Adi Arianto
Hubungan Kualitas Pelayanan Kesehatan Terhadap Tingkat Kepuasan Pasien BPJS Mandiri di Puskesmas Delitua Kabupaten Deli Serdang Tahun 2018
Health is a prosperous state of the body, soul, and social which is very possible for every individual to live productively in a social and economic way. Tests of research are to identify the relationship between the quality of health services to the level of satisfaction of BPJS Mandiri in Public Health Center Deli Tua Kab Deli Serdang. The research method uses an analytical survey type with a sample of 95 people. The results of the study are that there is a significant relationship between Tangible, reliability, responsiveness, assurance, empathy for the satisfaction of BPJS Mandiri in Public Health Center Deli Tua Kab Deli Serdang wit p-value(0.00). The conclusion in this study is that the most dominant factors affecting patient satisfaction are direct evidence of this indicated by the highest Exp (B) of 6,374
Selamat Ginting
Eva Marini Tampubolon
Saiful Batubara
The transition of disease in Indonesia is marked by increasing cases of non-communicable diseases that are hospitalized in several hospitals. Non-communicable diseases are often referred to as chronic diseases. Non-infectious diseases contribute to 60 percent of death globally. Prolanic is a program aimed at encouraging members of people with chronic diseases to achieve optimal quality of life. The purpose of this research is to explain the factors that influence the participation of Social Assurance Security Agency participants doing Prolanic gymnastics at Public Health Center of Martimbang Pematangsiantar City. Type of research is analytical with cross sectional study design at Public Health Center of Martimbang Pematangsiantar City. The population was all 361 BPJS participants with a sample of 80 people. There is influence of knowledge, motivation, attitude, distance to participant Social Assurance Security Agency doing Prolanic Gymnastics with p value 0,001. The most dominant factor influencing the participation of Social Assurance Security Agency prolanic gymnastics is the knowledge with the expected value B is 0.007. Social Assurance Security Agency Pematangsiantar city is expected to do socialization about prolanic gymnastics and further research. Keywords: Prolanic Gymnastics, Social Assurance Security Agency of Members
Selamat Ginting
According to the World Health Organization (WHO) diarrhea is liquid bowel movements more than three times in 24 hours, and focuses more on the consistency of feces than the frequency of defecation. Diarrhea is still one of the main public health problems in Indonesia because of its high morbidity and mortality. This research method is a “cross sectional study” where data collection is only carried out in only one period or only done once in one study (Budiarto, 2004). The population is all mothers who have children under five who live in Baru Village, PancurBatu, Deli Serdang District, which is 480 people. The sampling technique is by random sampling method. The sampling technique uses a random sampling method using a formula so that the sample is 96 people. The research instruments used in this study are using questionnaires which are divided into two parts, namely the first to find out the characteristics of respondents and the relationships between variables and the most influential variables in the incidence of diarrhea. Bivariate analysis data found that there was a relationship between breastfeeding, income, healthy latrines, hand washing with the incidence of diarrhea where the value of p <0.005. and there is no significant relationship between education, employment and clean water use with the incidence of diarrhea p> 0.05. the community needs to understand about the incidence of diarrhea in infants and the factors that influence it so that they can make efforts to prevent the prevention of diarrhea independently by improving socio-economic behavior and clean and healthy living
Selamat Ginting
Siti Marlina
Frequency falls in the elderly still a problem that often happens in Indonesiaespecially in
the Village of Rumah Great Kec Biru-Biru Kabupaten Deli Serdang. High prevalence rates
incident falls in the elderly, which makes researchers want to apply the TUG (Timed Up
And Go) test through the amount of time provided and the ability of the elderly complete
the test series with the time needed by the elderly themselves. This research aims to
knowing Relationship of the TUG Test (Timed Up And Go) with Frequency of falls In the
elderly in Rumah Great Kec Biru-Biru Kabupaten Deli Serdang. Where is this TUG test
used for knowing balance and disruption of walking in the elderly. Data collection begins
from March to June 2017 with a total of 64 respondent by using categorical analytic
research and cross sectional approach as a sampling method. Research instrument used
in the form of a demographic data questionnaire, a TUG (Timed Up And Go) test
questionnaire and a Meter Meter. The results showed that the sign value was 0.002 <pvalue (0.05) indicating meaningful correlation between TUG Test scores (Timed Up and
Go) with Falling Frequency In the elderly. This research is expected can be useful next
time in doing the TUG test with the Frequency of Falling in the Elderly